Installing Russian EipoInfo 5 from Internet. Download 2 files from the CDC internet server : repi5.exe Russian EpiInfo 5 repiman.exe Russian manual for EpiInfo 5 These files are self-extracting archives. Installing EpiInfo Step 1 : Extracting files from archives To extract files from archives, type in the following lines in DOS prompt: >cd >repi5.exe === You will be asked for confirmation. Type y and press Enter. Step 2 : Installing EpiInfo To install EpiInfo type in the following line in the DOS prompt : >rusex /MODE:128 === This will load Russian driver >install.exe === This will start installation Step 2 : Setting up russian keyboard/screen driver Russian version of EpiInfo includes russian keyboard/screen driver : In order for Russian EpiInfo to work correctly, this driver should be loaded before EpiInfo is started. To load Russian keyboard/screen driver, type in the following line in DOS prompt : /MODE:128 Now you can start Russian EpiInfo and/or Russian EpiInfo Manual. If you want to remove Russian driver from memory after finishing EpiInfo, type in the following line in DOS prompt : /UNLOAD Step 3 : Starting EpiInfo To start EpiInfo, type in the following line in DOS prompt : epi.exe Step 4 : Starting EpiInfo manual To start EpiInfo manual, type in the following line in DOS prompt : manual.bat Installing EpiInfo manual Now, when EpiInfo is installed, you can install its manual. Step 1 : Copying files To copy archive file to EpiInfo directory, go to the directory, where archive is located and type in >copy repi5man.exe in the DOS prompt. Step 2 : Extracting files from archive To extract files from archive, type in the following lines in DOS prompt: >cd >repi5man.exe === You will be asked for confirmation. Type y and press Enter. Step 3 : Russian keyboard/screen driver Russian version of EpiInfo manual must use Russian keyboard/screen driver. Unfortunately, there is no Russian driver among files, extracted from archive. You can use driver, supplied with EpiInfo. In order for Russian EpiInfo manual to work correctly, this driver should be loaded before EpiInfo manual is started. To load Russian keyboard/screen driver, type in the following line in DOS prompt : /MODE:128 If you want to remove Russian driver from memory after finishing EpiInfo manual, type in the following line in DOS prompt : /UNLOAD Step 4 : Starting EpiInfo manual To start EpiInfo, type in the following line in DOS prompt : >rusex /MODE:128 // To start Russian driver >manual.bat // To start EpiInfo manual