Chapter 1. Welcome to Debian

Table of Contents

1.1. What is Debian?
1.2. What is GNU/Linux?
1.3. What is Debian GNU/Linux?
1.4. What is Debian GNU/Hurd?
1.5. Getting Debian
1.6. Getting the Newest Version of This Document
1.7. Organization of This Document
1.8. Your Documentation Help is Welcome
1.9. About Copyrights and Software Licenses

We are delighted that you have decided to try Debian, and are sure that you will find that Debian's GNU/Linux distribution is unique. Debian GNU/Linux brings together high-quality free software from around the world, integrating it into a coherent whole. We believe that you will find that the result is truly more than the sum of the parts.

This chapter provides an overview of the Debian Project and Debian GNU/Linux. If you already know about the Debian Project's history and the Debian GNU/Linux distribution, feel free to skip to the next chapter.