B.2. Disk Space Needed for Tasks

The base woody installation on the author's computer required 117MB. The installed size for all standard packages was 123MB, with a download size of 38MB; so 278MB of space was needed to install the base and all standard packages.

The following table lists sizes reported by aptitude (a very nice program, by the way) for the tasks listed in tasksel. The system for which the figures were reported already had all standard packages installed. Note that some tasks have overlapping constituents, so the total installed size for two tasks together may be less than the total obtained by adding the numbers up.

Task                              Installed  Download   Space Needed 
                                  Size (MB)  Size (MB)  To Install (MB)

desktop environment                 345        118         463
X window system                      78         36         114
games                                49         14          63
Debian Jr.                          340        124         464
dialup system                        28          8          36
laptop system                         3          1           4
scientific applications             110         30         140

C and C++                            32         15          47
Python                              103         30         133
Tcl/Tk                               37         11          48
fortran                              10          4          14

file server                           1          -           1
mail server                           4          3           7
usenet news server                    6          2           8
print server                         48         18          66
conventional unix server             55         19          74
web server                            4          1           5

TeX/LaTeX environment               171         64         235

simplified Chinese environment       80         29         109
traditional Chinese environment     166         68         234
Cyrillic environment                 29         13          42
French environment                   60         18          78
German environment                   31          9          40
Japanese environment                110         53         163
Korean environment                  178         72         250
Polish environment                   58         27          85
Russian environment                  12          6          18
Spanish environment                  15          4          19