cdrom/initrd.gz                                  -- initrd for use with delo to build a CD
cdrom/initrd.list                                -- contents of initrd
cdrom/mini.iso                                   -- mini CD image for test purposes
cdrom/vmlinux-2.4.26-r3k-kn02                    -- kernel for use with delo to build a CD
cdrom/vmlinux-2.4.26-r4k-kn04                    -- kernel for use with delo to build a CD
cobalt/netboot/default.colo                      -- Cobalt TFTP boot configuration script
cobalt/netboot/initrd.gz                         -- initrd for Cobalt machines
cobalt/netboot/initrd.list                       -- contents of initrd
cobalt/netboot/vmlinux-2.4.26-r5k-cobalt         -- kernel image for Cobalt machines
cobalt/netboot/vmlinux.gz                        -- Cobalt boot loader
r3k-kn02/boot.img                                -- tftp boot image for DECstations with R3000 CPU
r4k-kn04/boot.img                                -- tftp boot image for DECstations with R4x00 CPU
sb1-swarm-bn/netboot/initrd.gz                   -- initrd for the BCM1250 evaluation board SWARM
sb1-swarm-bn/netboot/initrd.list                 -- contents of initrd
sb1-swarm-bn/netboot/vmlinux-2.4.26-sb1-swarm-bn -- kernel image for the BCM1250 evaluation board SWARM